New Port: 8 to 23 April 2013
The traveling exhibition “Religious Tolerance: Islam in the Sultanate of Oman” inaugurated its journey to the United States in April 2013, arriving during two weeks at the Salve Regina University in New Port (Rhode Island).
The event, which coincided with the commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the founding of this city, was welcomed by the president of the American University, lauding the initiative aimed to strengthen interfaith dialogue. A the opening ceremony, she stressed that although being Catholic, the academic institution welcomes students of different faiths, and thus further promotes the recognition of diversity in the world.
The Ambassador of Oman to the United States, Hounaina Soltane Al Moughairy, recalled the climate of coexistence between the different religious communities in Oman and the establishment of “Sultan Qaboos Chairs” at major universities in the world, four of these being located in the United States, in order to promote universal peace, harmony and understanding.
The screening of the documentary “Religious Tolerance in Oman” was a truly perfect invitation for a fruitful discussion on the precepts and values of Islam preaching peace, understanding and respect between cultures and people of different faiths.
Michigan, Grand Rapids, Grand Valley State University: 10 to 31 October 2014
The exhibition was held at the Kaufman Interfaith Institution of the Grand Valley State University to underline the values of Islam and religious tolerance in the Sultanate of Oman.
The choice of this institution is justified by its status that promotes mutual respect and understanding between citizens of different faiths. Its director, Dr. Douglas Kindschi, stayed many times in Oman and is working with the Interfaith Institute in Cambridge (UK) for the promotion of interreligious dialogue.
The exhibition was organized in a specially designed area in the lobby of the Idema Pew Libary, co-host of the show, and accessible to all students, allowing them to become familiar with the religious practices of other nations and acquire an in depth knowledge of the Omani experience in this area.
Georgia, Kennesaw, Kennesaw State University: 2 to 31 October 2014
The campus of Kennesaw State University was home during a month to the traveling exhibition, within the framework of the program for the academic year 2014-2015 under the theme “Year of the Arabian Peninsula.”
The content of the exhibition, which perfectly meets the academic curriculum of this institution, is designed to enrich the students’ knowledge on the cultures of the world, said Daniel Paracka, director of academic initiatives of the International Affairs Division. Welcoming the organization of the exhibition at the university campus, he entrusted the success of this program depends on new research projects, educational programs abroad but also on international partnerships.
Discovering the exhibition, students were given insight in the aspects of daily life, religious friendliness and understanding between the different components of Omani society. Copies of the documentary DVD, titled “Religious Tolerance in Oman”, have been handed over to supplement their knowledge about Islam and Oman.New Port: 8 to 23 April 2013
The traveling exhibition “Religious Tolerance: Islam in the Sultanate of Oman” inaugurated its journey to the United States in April 2013, arriving during two weeks at the Salve Regina University in New Port (Rhode Island).
The event, which coincided with the commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the founding of this city, was welcomed by the president of the American University, lauding the initiative aimed to strengthen interfaith dialogue. A the opening ceremony, she stressed that although being Catholic, the academic institution welcomes students of different faiths, and thus further promotes the recognition of diversity in the world.
The Ambassador of Oman to the United States, Hounaina Soltane Al Moughairy, recalled the climate of coexistence between the different religious communities in Oman and the establishment of “Sultan Qaboos Chairs” at major universities in the world, four of these being located in the United States, in order to promote universal peace, harmony and understanding.
The screening of the documentary “Religious Tolerance in Oman” was a truly perfect invitation for a fruitful discussion on the precepts and values of Islam preaching peace, understanding and respect between cultures and people of different faiths.
Michigan, Grand Rapids, Grand Valley State University: 10 to 31 October 2014
The exhibition was held at the Kaufman Interfaith Institution of the Grand Valley State University to underline the values of Islam and religious tolerance in the Sultanate of Oman.
The choice of this institution is justified by its status that promotes mutual respect and understanding between citizens of different faiths. Its director, Dr. Douglas Kindschi, stayed many times in Oman and is working with the Interfaith Institute in Cambridge (UK) for the promotion of interreligious dialogue.
The exhibition was organized in a specially designed area in the lobby of the Idema Pew Libary, co-host of the show, and accessible to all students, allowing them to become familiar with the religious practices of other nations and acquire an in depth knowledge of the Omani experience in this area.
Georgia, Kennesaw, Kennesaw State University: 2 to 31 October 2014
The campus of Kennesaw State University was home during a month to the traveling exhibition, within the framework of the program for the academic year 2014-2015 under the theme “Year of the Arabian Peninsula.”
The content of the exhibition, which perfectly meets the academic curriculum of this institution, is designed to enrich the students’ knowledge on the cultures of the world, said Daniel Paracka, director of academic initiatives of the International Affairs Division. Welcoming the organization of the exhibition at the university campus, he entrusted the success of this program depends on new research projects, educational programs abroad but also on international partnerships.
Discovering the exhibition, students were given insight in the aspects of daily life, religious friendliness and understanding between the different components of Omani society. Copies of the documentary DVD, titled “Religious Tolerance in Oman”, have been handed over to supplement their knowledge about Islam and Oman.